Favorite All Time Pavement Song?
(too old to reply)
22 years ago
I obviously can't nominate *just* one, but I think I have a top ten list in
no particular order:

Perfume V
In the Mouth a Desert
Box Elder
Unseen Power of the Picket Fence
Silent Kid
Texas Never Whispers
Father to a Sister of Thought
Gold Soundz

Anyone else? Lets revive this group!
Angus Paxton
22 years ago
Post by EdRuscha
I obviously can't nominate *just* one, but I think I have a top ten list in
Perfume V
In the Mouth a Desert
Box Elder
Unseen Power of the Picket Fence
Silent Kid
Texas Never Whispers
Father to a Sister of Thought
Gold Soundz
Anyone else? Lets revive this group!
Summer Babe. Every time. By a long way.

22 years ago
On 18/7/2003 3:19 AM, in article
Post by EdRuscha
I obviously can't nominate *just* one, but I think I have a top ten list in
Perfume V
In the Mouth a Desert
Box Elder
Unseen Power of the Picket Fence
Silent Kid
Texas Never Whispers
Father to a Sister of Thought
Gold Soundz
Anyone else? Lets revive this group!
That's a hard call. I starting thinking about which ones are my favorites,
but I ended up effectively listing the Pavement catalogue in my head. So I
will refer you to those songs, you know, the ones Pavement performed, and
leave it at that.

Always old, never improved.

22 years ago
ah, such a cop out. of course it's hard to choose. it's akin to choosing a
favorite movie or book, or favorite <insert noncommital favorite here> and
sure favorites may change, but still it's fun to pick. and argue about why
say, shoot the singer is better than uh shady lane. yeah.

i want to add range life to that list.
Raliodor Vansken
22 years ago
Now come on, people. It's a well known fact that Recorder Grot
(Rally) is the best fuckin' song ever, exclamation point!!!!
22 years ago
Heh, are you kidding? That would not even be in my top 50!
Some Guy
22 years ago
... and argue about why say, shoot the singer is better than uh shady lane.

I live on shady lane--and no, it is not very shady.
i want to add range life to that list.
only if it is the unbleeped one.
Some Guy
22 years ago
Post by EdRuscha
i want to add range life to that list.
Why the *fluck* did they bleep the Range Life video on Slow Century...
bastards. In the concert it isn't; couldn't they at least included it in
the alternates... bastards.
Raliodor Vansken
22 years ago
Post by Some Guy
Post by EdRuscha
i want to add range life to that list.
Why the *fluck* did they bleep the Range Life video on Slow Century...
bastards. In the concert it isn't; couldn't they at least included it in
the alternates... bastards.
Um, that's just how the audio track that accompanied the video was. I
mean, when they pressed it, it was meant to be aired on MTV, so they
manufactured it with the word cut out. That's just how it be. Plus,
I thought it was kinda fun having it bleeped out. If I want to hear
the word "fuck", I can just put on the CRCR album, or walk outdoors.
22 years ago
Hmmm...let's see...my favorite all time pavement songs?
1. help / norwegian wood
2. let me entertain you
3. my sharona
4. blonde red head
5. cortez the killer

22 years ago
Yes, yes!

But don't forget the song of which I keep forgetting the name (not sure if
it's an official release), the first two lines go like this:
"It's time to put on make-up
It's time to dress up right..."

Does anyone remember what this song is called?
Post by PPProd.
Hmmm...let's see...my favorite all time pavement songs?
1. help / norwegian wood
2. let me entertain you
3. my sharona
4. blonde red head
5. cortez the killer
22 years ago
Familiar lines indeed! I'm quite sure it's a terror twilight track, but I
still can't figure out which one.

Raliodor Vansken
22 years ago
Post by PPProd.
Hmmm...let's see...my favorite all time pavement songs?
1. help / norwegian wood
2. let me entertain you
3. my sharona
4. blonde red head
5. cortez the killer
Is that "Let Me Entertain You" by Queen? That's random. hell, it was
a random list to begin with.
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